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Freedom of the Press: Find Books

A guide to available resources for research on Freedom of the Press.

Ebooks in the LIbrary Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to search for electronic books by subject, keyword, author, or title.

  • refine search results by Availability and select Available Online
  • further refine the results by Resource Type and select Books 

Finding Ebooks in the Catalog

Like to Browse?

To browse the library shelves for books on the First Amendment, you may start by looking in the section holding the call numbers below.  You will find the KF section in the library's South Stacks.

KF 4700 - KF 4900




Finding Books on Your Topic  walking book

Once you have chosen a topic and done your background research you will be ready to conduct more comprehensive research using books.

Use the Library Catalog to find books. Books can provide a broad overview of a topic or in-depth information. You can search for books by author, title, subject, or keyword. 

Use the following terms to search by SUBJECT for books on your topic:

  • Confidential communications - Press - United States
  • Freedom of the press
  • Freedom of the press - United States
  • Journalism - Political aspects - United States
  • Press Freedom
  • Press law
  • United States Constitution 1st Amendment
  • Freedom of the press - United States - History
  • Government and the press - United States

Use the following keywords to find additional books:

  • free press
  • censorship

To locate books, refine the search results by Availability and select Available Online.

Further refine the results by Resource Type and select Books.

Electronic Books

Here are a few E-books which may be useful in your research:

Books in the Library

Here are a few books available in the library which may be useful in your research:

Cerritos College Library | 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 | 562-860-2451 | Reference ext 2425 | Circulation ext 2424