Kanopy Videos
On-demand streaming video for over 16,000 films including content from the BBC, PBS, and Critereon Collection. Public performance rights for educational use are included.
These videos are searchable via the Cerritos College Catalog or directly through Cerritos.kanopystreaming.com
This feature documentary tells the fascinating story of Ben Bradlee, one of America's most influential and celebrated newspaper editors, who found himself at the center of many of the 20th Century's most seismic storms, including the First Amendment fight to publish the Pentagon Papers (detailing secret strategies of the U.S. military in Vietnam) in The New York Times and The Washington Post; and the fall of Richard Nixon after the Post's electrifying Watergate revelations.
This is the story of how one man's profound change of heart created a landmark struggle involving America's newspapers, President and Supreme Court-- whose events led directly to Watergate, Nixon's resignation, and the end of the Vietnam War. The Pentagon Papers controversy remains the key test of press freedom vs. national security.
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