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ENG 103 - Argument Solution Essay - Crozier - Spring 2023: Find Books

Ebooks in the Library Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to search for electronic books by subject, keyword, author, or title.

  • refine search results by Availability and select Available Online
  • further refine the results by Resource Type and select Books 

Electronic Books on the Web

There are resources on the Web for free ebooks. Here is one example.

Open Library  
Includes references to millions of books and includes the full-text and audio of many out of copyright editions

Sign up for an account and login at their site to borrow or listen to an electronic book.  

NOTE: Be sure to click the more link to see additional subjects


Finding Books on Your Topic  walking book

Once you have chosen a topic and done your background research you will be ready to conduct more comprehensive research using books.

Use the Library Catalog to find books available in the Cerritos College Library. Books can provide a broad overview of a topic or in-depth information. You can search for books by author, title, subject, or keyword.

The following terms are just a few examples to help you search for books on controversial issues:

  • animal rights
  • climate change
  • Dream Act
  • drug legalization
  • genetically modified food
  • same sex marriage
  • gay rights
  • bullying

Note: More search terms and subject specific books will be found on the subject specific controversial issue research guides.

Finding Ebooks in the Library Catalog

Electronic Books

Here are a few E-books which may help with your research. Most E-books require a login for off-campus use.  Enter your Cerritos College login when prompted.  For more login information see the Database Login page.

Cerritos College Library | 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 | 562-860-2451 | Reference ext 2425 | Circulation ext 2424