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Electoral Reform: Find Books

Library resources and instruction on researching the topic electoral reform.

Ebooks in the LIbrary Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to search for electronic books by subject, keyword, author, or title.

  • refine search results by Availability and select Available Online
  • further refine the results by Resource Type and select Books 

Finding Ebooks in the Catalog


Finding Books on Your Topic  walking book

Once you have chosen a topic and done your background research you will be ready to conduct more comprehensive research using books.

Use the Library Catalog to find books. Books can provide a broad overview of a topic or in-depth information. You can search for books by author, title, subject, or keyword. 

Use the following terms to search by SUBJECT for books on your topic:

  • Electoral College - United States
  • Elections - United States
  • Political parties - United States
  • Presidents - United States
  • Election law - United States
  • Campaign funds - United States
  • Voting

To locate ebooks, refine search results by Availability and select Available Online.

Further refine the results by Resource Type and select Books.

Electronic Books

Here are a few E-books which may help with your research. Most E-books require a login for off-campus use.  Enter your Cerritos College login when prompted.  For more login information see the Database Login page.

Books in the Library

Here are some books which may help with your research:

Like to Browse?

The general call# for books relating to American Government is JK located in the South Stacks. Below is a more precise breakdown:

JK1-9993 Political institutions and public administration (United States)

JK404-1685 Government

JK501-868 Executive branch

JK631-868 Civil Service

JK1012-1432 Congress. Legislative branch

JK1154-1276 Senate

JK1308-1432 House of Representatives

JK1606-1683 Capital. Public buildings. Government property. Government purchasing

JK1717-2217 Political rights

JK1758-1761 Citizenship

JK1846-1929 Suffrage

JK1965-2217 Electoral system

JK2255-2391 Political parties

JK2403-9593 State government

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