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Cerritos College's Free and Low-Cost Resources: Child Care

This is a partial list of resources available at Cerritos College. These are only for currently enrolled students unless otherwise noted with an asterisk (*).


The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education program, or known as the C.A.R.E Program, provides resources and support necessary for disadvantaged, single, head of household, CalWORKs/TANF recipients to improve their educational opportunities and seek to enhance their employability, minimize their welfare dependency, and establish self-sufficiency through enrollment and completion of a degree or job training program.
1. Must be a CURRENT recipient of Cash Aid (CalWORKs) for yourself and/or child,

2. Be at least 18 years old,

3. Have at least one child

4. Meet the criteria for EOPS


  • Meal Tickets
  • Networking with CARE students
  • Newsletter 
  • Resource and Community Referrals
  • School Supplies
  • Special Social Activities
  • Workshops


Child Development Center

Child Care - Preschool is available for children of enrolled students, ages 2-5.

New Mothers Nursing Room

A safe and private room for nursing mothers - located in the Learning Resource Center. To register, contact Donna Sheibe (Administrative Assistant to Human Resources). (562) 860-2451 ext. 2280 or email at   

Pregnant SEAS

Pregnant Scholars Expecting Academic Success

Providing 1-on-1 student consultations and training on:

-Pregnancy Rights
-Academic Rights
-Student Resources
-Lactation Rights
-Extended Leave Policy
-Lactation Education
-Pre/Postnatal Accommodations
-And more

Contact Amber Dofner at or (562)860-2451 Ext. 2473

Cerritos College Library | 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 | 562-860-2451 | Reference ext 2425 | Circulation ext 2424