Library 100: Introduction to Library Research
Library 100 is designed to introduce you to the wide variety of information resources available in print and online through the Cerritos College Library. You will learn how to conduct college-level research and develop life-long information skills that can be applied in all your classes as well as in your personal and professional life.
LIBR 100 is a one-unit course that will guide you through the process of becoming an information competent individual. You will learn how information is organized in libraries and online, how to search for and retrieve information, and how to evaluate information. You will learn to use traditional reference sources as well as online tools. You will learn how to search, not just surf, the Internet and the World Wide Web. You will learn the steps required for doing a research paper, including the search strategy, preparation of a bibliography, and how to properly cite the information resources (print and electronic) that you use. You are NOT required to do an actual research paper.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, the student will:
- Understand how information is organized in the library and on the library website
- Select and evaluate library resources appropriate for their research projects
- Use library resources to locate information efficiently and effectively
- Understand the responsible and ethical use of information and properly cite information sources
Information Skills and Competencies
- Understand the Library of Congress Classification System which is used in the libraries of most institutions of higher education
- Comprehend a Call Number and know how to find books on the shelf
- Master the theoretical and practical skills necessary to use an online catalog
- Understand the significance and use of periodical literature and periodical indexes (print and electronic) in the research process
- Develop an awareness of the Internet as a major information network and develop the ability to conduct a simple search using various search engines or directories;
- Identify basic and discipline-specific reference sources available in most medium to large libraries
- Develop an awareness of the steps involved in writing a research paper, including preparation of a work-cited list for both print and electronic resources
- State a research question, problem or issue
- Determine the information requirements for the research question, problem, or issue
- Locate and retrieve relevant information
- Use the technological tools for accessing information
- Evaluate information
- Organize and synthesize information
Course Requirements
- Attend class or login as required
- Read assigned lessons and other required readings
- Complete assignments
- Complete quizzes
- Complete the final project
Required Resources
All Library 100 handouts, readings, media, quizzes, and assignments are available via Canvas for students enrolled in the course.
Credits and Grading
This transferrable 1 unit course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only. In order to pass, students must accrue at least 70% of the points possible in the course.