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Short Story Criticism - ENG 110 (SP 2020) : Using Online Resources: Kanopy Videos

A guide providing online resources for students conducting short story research and criticism.

Kanopy Videos on Short Story Criticism

Kanopy Video - The Great Depression

The Great Depression

It was called "Black Tuesday": the day the bottom fell out of the stock market ushering in the Great Depression. Soon, soup kitchens and breadlines replaced the flappers and speakeasies of the Roaring Twenties. When the nation looked for leadership, they found it in the indelible character and progressive programs of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a bright and shining light in the darkness of despair.

Kanopy Video - Disobeying Orders GI Resistance to the Vietnam War

Disobeying Orders GI Resistance to the Vietnam War

Disobeying Orders: GI Resistance to the Vietnam War tells the story of Vietnam Veterans who came home from the war committed anti-war activists. Interviews with Black and white veterans, including a Navy nurse who was court-martialed for her opposition to the war, are woven with archival images and music to bring this little know history to the fore.

Kanopy Video - Aftermath of the Civil War and New

Aftermath of the Civil War and New "Freedom"

This section of the series"Up from Slaver" looks at the conclusion of the War Between the States and the effects of the outcome for slaves, slave owners and the entire country.

Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos
On-demand streaming video for over 16,000 films including content from the BBC, PBS, and Critereon Collection. Public performance rights for educational use are included.

These videos are searchable via the Cerritos College Catalog or directly through

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