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CHEM 112 - General Chemistry - Professor Bradbury: 3. Write an Article on Molecular Electronics

Write an Article

An Overview of Molecular Electronics and How It's Measured

You are to write an article on molecular electronics and how it's measured. This article should be at a level that would be understood by your mother or some other family member. Do not merely copy and paste from an article or the molecular junction  database guidelines or internet sources.  Make sure the paper is original to you. However, you should use the five articles you were given as sources to backup and lend weight to your statements. If  you need definitions and other background information use the library database Gale eBooks > Science Collection for more reliable sources.

All sources quoted or paraphrased in your article must be cited with in-text citations and appear in your works cited list at the end of your article. Follow MLA guidelines on the Works Cited tab of this guide when creating your citations and works cited page.

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