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Biology : Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos

killer whale movie poster

Damned to Extinction

For eons, a one-of-a-kind population of killer whales has hunted chinook salmon along the Pacific Coast of the United States. For the last 40 years, renowned whale scientist Ken Balcomb has closely observed them.

dawin video

What Darwin Didn't Know Series

Retrace Darwin's path to his theory of evolution by natural selection, which appeared in his masterpiece The Origin of Species, published in 1859. Encounter collector Alfred Russel Wallace's astonishing, almost identical, key insight. Detail the types of evidence, not known to Darwin, that have accumulated in the century and a half since his time, extending his ideas to a remarkable degree.

bat flying

Zoonosis: Germs Leap from Animals to Humans

Seventy percent of infectious diseases originate from wildlife. Why are new diseases--such as bird flu and swine flu--so prevalent, and how are these exotic diseases being transmitted from animals to humans? Learn how to protect yourself from these diseases, including two you can get from your cat.

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