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Researching Controversial Issues: Gathering Information

This guide was created to support Prof's Crum's English 100 class in Fall 2022

How to search article databases

Find News and Research Articles

Listed below are some databases where you will find articles.


  • Always search databases using only the keywords that best describe your topic
  • Keywords can be combined into a search string with the operators "and" , "or", "not"

If you cannot find the right information in these databases, you might need to select a different one. 

You can see all of our databases on our Databases A-Z or Databases by Subject lists.

If you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to look, chat/Zoom with a librarian and we will help you pick the best database for researching your  issue.

Good Sources for Statistics

Use the government sources below to find statistics related to your controversial issue.

Other potential sources of statistics are:

  • city and town websites
  • newspaper articles
  • reports created by non-profits such as the Pew Research Center
  • universities
  • scholarly/research articles
  • books

If you are going to use a non-governmental source for statistics, it's important to understand how the statistics were collected.  You should also consider the purpose of the organization that gathered the statistics so you identify any potential bias the organization might have.  Are the statistics meant to inform the public or misinform the public?

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