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Food, Inc.: Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos
On-demand streaming video for over 16,000 films including content from the BBC, PBS, and Critereon Collection. Public performance rights for educational use are included.

These videos are searchable via the Cerritos College Catalog or directly through

Kanopy Videos (Food, Inc.)

Kanopy -  Hungry for Profit New Day Films

Kanopy - Hungry for Profit New Day Films

Filmed on five continents, this provocative documentary takes a close look at the global agribusiness system, which is turning the world's food supply into a global supermarket, buying food at the lowest prices--seemingly regardless of the effect on small farmers and local populations--and selling it at the highest price and the greatest profit whenever possible.

"Clear and convincing. Excellent for studies of population, land use, food economics, international banking, social organization, history and comparative government." -- Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Science

89 mins / 1985

Kanopy - The U.S. of Agriculture Episode 14 of Food Forward

Kanopy - The U.S. of Agriculture Episode 14 of Food Forward

From the Founding Farmers to the modern Farm Bill, what has 200 years of progress brought to the table? More food at lower prices for sure, but also food fights over the environment, hunger, nutrition and waste. In this opening episode, politicians, policy watchdogs and food experts take viewers on a personal tour through the history of food and agriculture in America. There's an entry point for everyone in the conversation about how we feed ourselves.

25 mins / 2014

Kanopy - Agriculture – Feeding a Hungry Planet Part of the Series: Show Me Science Series - Advanced

Kanopy - Agriculture – Feeding a Hungry Planet Part of the Series: Show Me Science Series - Advanced

Food production systems touch nearly every aspect of life - from farms and industrial processing plants to markets, grocery stores and the dinner table. Students will learn about the future sustainable 'food cycle'.

15 mins / 2005

Kanopy - Fresh Sustainable Food Production in America

Kanopy - Fresh Sustainable Food Production in America

Our current industrial method of food production is increasingly viewed as an unsustainable system, destructive to the environment and public health. But what is the alternative? Fresh profiles the farmers, thinkers, and business people across the nation who are at the forefront of re-inventing food production in America. With a strong commitment to sustainability, they are changing how farms are run, how the land is cared for, and how food is distributed. Their success demonstrates that a new paradigm based on sustainable practices can be profitable and a model for our food system, if people choose to support it. Fresh opens with a short summary of the problems and consequences of industrialized food production, then focuses primarily on the individuals who are creating new approaches to address environmental, health, and economic challenges throughout the food chain. Joel Salatin is a world-famous sustainable farmer and entrepreneur who, by observing nature, devised a rotational grazing system for his animals that heals the land while making his operations many times more profitable than his conventional farming neighbors. Will Allen, a former pro basketball player and recipient of a Macarthur "Genius Award", is now one of the most influential leaders of the urban farming movement. He teaches people in the inner city the value of healthy food and how to grow their own. David Ball saw his family-run supermarket and a once-thriving local farming community dying with the rise of Walmart and other big chains. So he reinvented his business, partnering with area farmers to sell locally-grown food at an affordable price. His plan has brought the local economy back to life. Fresh also features a farmer in Iowa who illustrates the struggles family farmers face, a hog farmer in Missouri who stopped using antibiotics on his pigs, and commentary by noted food expert and author Michael Pollan.
79 mins / 2009

Kanopy - In Organic We Trust Understanding Organic Food

Kanopy - In Organic We Trust Understanding Organic Food

"Most Americans now purchase organic food in some form, but don't know what "organic" really means. In Organic We Trust follows filmmaker Kip Pastor on a journey to answer the essential questions about organic: What exactly is certified organic? Is it really better for us, or just marketing hype? Is organic the key to transforming our food system? The first half of the film digs deep to investigate what "certified organic" means and the truth behind the labeling and marketing. The film presents a broad spectrum of views, including interviews with organic farmers, scientists, critics, and health, food and agriculture experts, mixed with creative graphics. Along the way, Pastor learns that what began as a grassroots movement of small-scale organic farmers has turned into a $30 billion industry dominated by large corporate operations, most with little real interest in reforming our unhealthful food system. But in spite of the corporatization of organic, the grassroots philosophy that drove the original movement is making a comeback in many innovative and hopeful forms. The second part of the film highlights the variety of ways this philosophy is now changing how we grow and eat our food on a broad scale, well beyond just growing organic. Pastor travels across the country to unearth the stories of those at the forefront of a renewed sustainable food movement: family farmers dedicated to stewardship of the land, a thriving "locavore" subculture centered on farmer's markets, chefs feeding children healthy school meals, and urban gardens sprouting up to bring fresh food to low-income communities.

83 mins / 2012

Kanopy - Food for Tomorrow Critical Issues in Global Agriculture

Kanopy - Food for Tomorrow Critical Issues in Global Agriculture

Predictions are that by the year 2025 the world's population will double. That means agriculture will have to find ways to feed twice as many people as it does today. But can we feed the earth without destroying it? Food for Tomorrow explores the core issues: Sustainability, Soil Fertility, Water Resources, Forest resources, Small Holder Livestock, Biodiversity, Integrated Pest Management, Research.

Filmed at locations around the world, Food for Tomorrow offers a global synopsis of issues critical to sustainable food production. Important viewing for students of agriculture, international development, and the environment.

29 mins / 2008

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