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Organic vs. Genetically Modified Food: Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos
On-demand streaming video for over 16,000 films including content from the BBC, PBS, and Critereon Collection. Public performance rights for educational use are included.

These videos are searchable via the Cerritos College Catalog or directly through

Kanopy Videos (Organic vs. Genetically Modified Food)

Kanopy - Fed Up! Food Production and GMOs

Fed Up! Food Production and GMOs

About 70% of the food we eat contains genetically engineered ingredients and the biotech industry is spending $50 million a year to convince us that this technology is our only hope. Using hilarious and disturbing archival footage and featuring interviews with farmers, scientists, government officials and activists, FED UP! presents an entertaining and compelling overview of our current food production system from the Green Revolution to the Biotech Revolution and what we can do about it.

FED UP! answers many questions regarding genetic engineering, the Green Revolution, genetic pollution and modern pesticides through interviews with Marc Lappe and Britt Bailey from the Center for Ethics and Toxics, Peter Rosset and Anuradha Mittal from Food First, Vandana Shiva from the Research Center for Science, Technology and Ecology, Ignacio Chapela from UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Martina McGloughlin, Director of UC Davis' Biotechnology Program and many others. It also introduces us to local Bay Area organic farmers from Purisima Greens Farm and the Live Power Community Farm, presenting community supported agriculture (CSA) and small-scale organic farming as real alternatives to agribusiness and industrial food.

61 mins / 2004

Kanopy - Genetically Modified Food Panacea or Poison

Genetically Modified Food Panacea or Poison

In the last thirty years global demand for food has doubled. In a race to feed the planet, scientists have discovered how to manipulate DNA, the blueprint of life, and produce what they claim are stronger, more disease-resistant crops. However, fears that genetically modified food many not be safe for humans or the environment has sparked.

51 mins / 2005

Kanopy - GM Food - Cultivating Fear The War Behind Genetically Modified Foods

GM Food - Cultivating Fear The War Behind Genetically Modified Foods

A new generation of GM foods is winning over governments and former critics of the technology, and scientists say the crops could help feed people in the developing world. So are those who oppose GM doing more harm than good? And is their opposition based on genuine safety concerns, or is it just feeding fear?

30 mins / 2015

Kanopy - Transgenic Wars The Increasing Production of Genetically Modified Food

Transgenic Wars The Increasing Production of Genetically Modified Food

The march towards the dominance of GM products in agriculture started 15 years ago but where will it end? Today in Argentina all agriculture is transgenic but after 15 years the weeds have adapted and the Glyphosate no longer works. In response farmers have started using hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate and unregulated manner. In some areas the rate of serious genetic deformities in children has exploded. We meet the families and doctors convinced that living so close GM farms is the cause. There is a one in two chance that the pork chop you had for dinner last night came from an animal that had been fed on transgenic soy. We visit the Danish farms where both the amount of the pigs born with deformities and the number dying from gastric diseases has dramatically increased. The animals are fed on a transgenic combo of GM soy that was treated with the herbicide Glyphosate. How has transgenic agriculture managed to conquer agriculture so quickly? Whilst the US government is beholden to the transgenic lobby many European countries have managed to hold out, but for how much longer will they be able to resist?

53 mins / 2015

Kanopy -  Of The Land - GMOs and Industrial Food MVD Entertainment Group

Of The Land - GMOs and Industrial Food MVD Entertainment Group

OF THE LAND is a detailed exploration into our current food supply as well as a variety of organic options available to people who want to support sustainable farming methods

90 mins / 2015

Kanopy - Seed: The Untold Story Defending the Future of Food

Seed: The Untold Story Defending the Future of Food

In the last century, 94% of our seed varieties have disappeared. A cadre of 10 agrichemical companies, including Syngenta, Bayer, and Monsanto, controls over two-thirds of the global seed market, reaping unprecedented profits.

SEED: THE UNTOLD STORY follows passionate seed-keepers protecting our 12,000 year-old food legacy. These farmers, scientists, lawyers and indigenous people are fighting a David and Goliath battle to defend the future of our food. In a harrowing and heartening story, these heroes rekindle a lost connection to our most treasured resource and revive a culture connected to seeds.

Winner of 15 international film festival awards, including the Environmental Award at Sheffield Doc/Fest.

96 mins / 2016


Kanopy - In Organic We Trust Understanding Organic Food

In Organic We Trust Understanding Organic Food

"Most Americans now purchase organic food in some form, but don't know what "organic" really means. In Organic We Trust follows filmmaker Kip Pastor on a journey to answer the essential questions about organic: What exactly is certified organic? Is it really better for us, or just marketing hype? Is organic the key to transforming our food system? The first half of the film digs deep to investigate what "certified organic" means and the truth behind the labeling and marketing. The film presents a broad spectrum of views, including interviews with organic farmers, scientists, critics, and health, food and agriculture experts, mixed with creative graphics. Along the way, Pastor learns that what began as a grassroots movement of small-scale organic farmers has turned into a $30 billion industry dominated by large corporate operations, most with little real interest in reforming our unhealthful food system. But in spite of the corporatization of organic, the grassroots philosophy that drove the original movement is making a comeback in many innovative and hopeful forms. The second part of the film highlights the variety of ways this philosophy is now changing how we grow and eat our food on a broad scale, well beyond just growing organic. Pastor travels across the country to unearth the stories of those at the forefront of a renewed sustainable food movement: family farmers dedicated to stewardship of the land, a thriving "locavore" subculture centered on farmer's markets, chefs feeding children healthy school meals, and urban gardens sprouting up to bring fresh food to low-income communities.

83 mins / 2012

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