Online version of the nationally recognized source of information on careers, working conditions, training and education requirements, earnings, and job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
Provides overviews of the job market for the U.S. and for all fifty states. Profiles over 750 specific occupations, including detailed salary and wages information by state and county from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Also provides an extensive collection of links to other Internet resources through its Career resource library.
Online supplement to the book What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers (REF HF5382.7 B64). Offers an interactive test to learn more about yourself. Includes a guide to web sites for career counseling, writing and posting resumes, researching careers, companies, and salaries.
Over 1 million job postings. Incluedes free and fee-based special features, such as resume writing services, degree programs & course listings, a virtual interview tool, salary data, articles, forums, and more.
Descriptions of careers and what it takes to become a professional in your area of interest. Includes information about "A day in the life..." for many careers.