Kanopy Videos
On-demand streaming video for over 16,000 films including content from the BBC, PBS, and Critereon Collection. Public performance rights for educational use are included.
These videos are searchable via the Cerritos College Catalog or directly through Cerritos.kanopystreaming.com
Dr. Brown presents her groundbreaking research that led to the Developmental Model, which emphasizes that sobriety is the mid-point, not the end-point in the full recovery of any alcoholic.
The Developmental Model in Theory: A Live Workshop will help you gain an in-depth understanding of the critical phases you must lead your alcoholic clients through in their recovery. In Volume 2 of this highly acclaimed video series, Dr. Brown presents her groundbreaking research that led to the Developmental Model, which emphasizes that sobriety is the mid-point, not the end-point in the full recovery of any alcoholic.