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ART 118 WGS 118 - History of Women In Visual Arts: Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos

Kanopy Videos
On-demand streaming video for over 16,000 films including content from the BBC, PBS, and Critereon Collection. Public performance rights for educational use are included.

These videos are searchable via the Cerritos College Catalog or directly through

Visual Arts Kanopy Videos

Kanopy - Quilts in Women's Lives

Kanopy - Quilts in Women's Lives

Quilts is a ground breaking film used by folklorists, anthropologists and historians of art and women's history that presents the lives, art, work and philosophy of seven ordinary women. 

29 mins. 1981


Kanopy - Artists at Work - A Film on the New Deal Art Projects

Kanopy - Artists at Work - A Film on the New Deal Art Projects

Under the WPA and other programs, thousands of artists were able to earn a living while devoting themselves full-time to their art.. "ARTISTS AT WORK" focuses on the visual arts programs of the New Deal, highlighting the impact on the lives and work of American artists. Interviews with Ilya Bolotowsky, James Brooks, Joseph Delaney, Harry Gottlieb, Chaim Gross, Lee Krasner, Edward Laning, Jacob Lawrence, Alice Neel, and Joseph Solman are included, along with archival film, photographs, sound recordings, and original color photography of the works of art.

35 mins. 1981

Kanopy - A Kiss of Art: Justine Cooper & Alex Davies

Kanopy - A Kiss of Art: Justine Cooper & Alex Davies

Interdisciplinary artist Justine Cooper's artwork investigates the intersections between culture, science and medicine. She moves between many forms of media - animation, video, installation, photography, as well as medical imaging technologies such as MRI, DNA sequencing, Ultrasound and SEM (scanning electron microscopy).

29 mins. 2010

Kanopy - Circle of light

Kanopy - Circle of light

This film without words is composed of Pamela Bone's unique photograhic transparencies. Her talent has been said to 'push photography beyond its own limits, liberating it to the status of an entirely creative art form.

32 mins. 1972

Kanopy - Truth and Art

Kanopy - Truth and Art

Truth & Art is a new film and exhibition by the celebrated visual artist – Sunara Begum, exploring the relationship between three global artists/musicians and their work. Through her portraiture, digital tapestry and montage her work brings us into their world and delves deep into their musical and creative practice. The documentary film celebrates the life and work of these innovative global artists. Sunara's work challenges windows of perception thereby allowing a shift in approach and attitude towards raising cultural awareness, growth and understanding.

13 mins. 2011

Kanopy - Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century (Season 1)

Kanopy - Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century (Season 1)

At the dawn of the 21st century, American artists are taking self-expression and the artistic process into uncharted territory. Today's artists are engaging the world and their audiences in vital and surprising new ways. They use an enormous variety of media and draw on sources ranging from pop culture and politics to ethnic heritage, classical models, and deeply personal life experiences. The artists featured in the series represent a cross-section of contemporary art practices and philosophies, and hail from different regions of the United States. Season 1 of "Art in the Twenty-First Century" introduces 21 artists to a nationwide audience.

218 mins. 2001

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