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Health Care - Issues & Controversies: Your Assignment

Library resources and instruction on the Healthcare issues.

Health Care Debate

What You Need to Know

Understanding Your Assignment

Before you begin looking for information you should make sure you understand your assignment. Some good questions are:

  • How many pages?
  • How many sources?
  • What kinds of sources?
    • Books
    • Articles
    • Websites
  • What format?

Your professor is your best resource to answer these questions.

image of student with her hand raised

HED202 - Professor Bueno - Spring 2020

Article Review

  • Your article must be from peer-reviewed scholarly journals (not magazines or articles found on Goggle, WebMD, etc.). It has to be the full text, not just the abstract. Length: 1 - 2 pages each
  • Your journal article must contain:
    • Bibliography and footnotes
    • Author’s name and academic credentials
  • You will summarize the article (author's conclusion) and give your opinion based on your question (essay format)
    • Write an introduction of your research question, using the textbook as a starting point. 
    • You will share the content of the article and how you think it may impact healthcare policy and society.
    • You must include Reference List (works cited) and In-Text Citations .
    • You do not need to include the article; only the correct information in the works cited page.
    • I suggest that you use EasyBib for MLA Links to an external site.
  • MLA format required. Review MLA 8 Writing: How to Write a Literature Review
  • Only 1 quote allowed. 
  • Your paper will be checked for plagiarizing.

Literature Review

  • Your Literature Review will consist of 4-8 Pages, Double Spaced (Cover page and Reference page DO NOT count towards total pages)
  • Content: Select a research question. See Health Care - Issues & Controversies for ideas.
    • Choosing a topic. See also Research Guides
    • Be sure there is sufficient research to support your topic. select your journal articles before deciding on your topic/research question.
    • Each student will summarize and give their opinion of two healthcare articles, based on their research question. Articles should be from current, professional journals. Please try to choose something that interests you. How may it impact healthcare policy and society?
  • Content:   Write an introduction of your research question, using the textbook as a starting point. Compare and contrast your three article reviews in the body of the paper and close with a conclusion of the research and your opinion on what the research shows. See the rubric in the assignment.
  • Research:     Library Research Required (3 References from current, professional journals). Cover page, works cited, and in-text citations (not numbers or footnotes) required. Include your textbook as one of your references. Use MLA 8 Guide.


  • First paragraph: Restate your topic question and reference relevant information from the textbook. Please do not provide a quote from Goldsteen- use your own words! You should also discuss the purpose of each journal article. Only include the author's names and not the title of the article.
  • Each following paragraph should contain information about how the research studies were different or similar in at least the following areas:
    • Methods
    • Number, size, and age of population,
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Include any other information that you feel is important.
  • Don't imply or add any facts that are not stated in the journal articles.
  • You literature review should be at least 4 pages in length (not including the cover page and works cited page). You will be discussing a lot of information from your 2 journal articles.
  • It must be in MLA format. Don't guess with formatting! See MLA 8 Writing: How to Write a Literature Review
  • Include a cover page and works cited page

Check with Professor Bueno for Due dates:

  • Research/Topic question
  • Journal Article review 1
  • Journal Article Review 2
  • Literature Review Rough Draft due
  • Final Literature Review due

How to write a research paper

Examples of a research question, supporting journal article and journal article review:

Research Question

  • Why do some observers find embryonic stem cell research morally unacceptable? 

Journal Articles:

Controversial Issue Paper

image of scaleWriting an argumenative paper on a controversial issue requires that you look at both sides of an issue and take a position on one side or the other.  You not only take a stand on an issue, but you must defend it against opposing points of view.  Therefore, your argumentative research paper will involve advocacy and persuasion. 

What to do:

  • Select your topic
  • Research the issues surrounding the topic
  • Read other writers’ arguments for and against
  • Take a stand
  • Present supporting evidence in favor of your position
  • Defend your position against opposing points of view
  • Anticipate and deflect arguments against your position
  • Make your case persuasively 

Research Basics - Step by Step

Breaking Down The Research Process  

  research process image

The following outline gives a simple and effective strategy for finding information for a research paper and documenting the sources you find. Depending on your topic and your familiarity with the library, you may need to rearrange or recycle these steps. Adapt this outline to your needs. We are ready to help you at every step in your research.

  1. Choose a topic - or have one assigned
  2. Understand your topic
    • Background reading
    • Consider a main focus
    • Refine your topic
    • Make a list of your keywords and concepts
  3. Search Sources
    • Find Books
    • Find Articles
    • Find Websites
  4. Write your paper - Informative, Analytical, Argumentative, Critical
  5. Cite your sources

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