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The Cerritos College CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) Program assists students receiving cash aid from the Department of Social Services (DPSS) to achieve educational goals and long term economic self-sufficiency. This is done through a focused case management-counseling model that includes intensive academic, career, and personal counseling services. Special program aspects include an "Early Alert Program" (EAP) designed to prepare students for program expectations and success retention and a "Work-Study" Program allowing students to acquire professional competencies that will promote a successful transition into the labor market.
Our goal is to assist you with choosing a major, making career decisions, developing an educational plan to meet your career goals, and preparing for employment.
Financial Aid / VA Now Accepted!
Funds available within the approved authorization period. Student eligibility and purchase restrictions may apply.
Do you have a Student Education Plan yet? Visit the Counseling Services page to get your plan started so you can stay on track.
Counselors are available to assist you in planning your academics, answer your questions and help you get on the path to reach you academic goals. If you need assistance with choosing or changing a major, updating your education plan, talk about your academic progress or issues affecting your academic performance, please visit the Counseling Department website with details on how to schedule a virtual appointment. General questions can be made via email by contacting
Works closely with the LA County Department of Health Services Office of Diversion and Reentry, Norwalk Superior Courthouse and LA County Department of Probation to develop a College/Career bridge program for first time non-violent felony offenders.
The mission of Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) at Cerritos College is to enhance the success of under-represented students in higher education, for these students experience language, social, economic and educational disadvantages. EOPS serves as an advocate for access, assists in the educational development of students, and empowers students to achieve their educational goals.
The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education program, or known as the C.A.R.E. Program, provides resources and support necessary for disadvantaged, single, head of household, CalWORKs/TANF recipients to improve their educational opportunities and seek to enhance their employability, minimize their welfare dependency, and establish self-sufficiency through enrollment and completion of a degree or job training program.
Linc Provides A Number Of Services To Assist Students As They Transition To College And Work To Complete Their Educational Goals
A pathway is any curriculum, such as an AD-T degree program or the course sequence that leads to a Certificate of Achievement. A “guided” pathway provides students with clear programs maps that include recommended course sequences. These are designed from a user-friendly point of view of students so that, rather than navigating through a formidable and foreign maze, their career and academic options are made much clearer.
The Office of International Student Services (OISS) fosters the education and development of International Students with F-1 status, to empower them to achieve their academic and professional goals. The OISS provides assistance with admission, academic counseling, advising, cross-cultural adjustment, and compliance requirements.
The Cerritos College Library is open per operating hours posted for each respective semester. Online reference services and online access to e-books, databases, journal articles, streaming videos, research guides, and library orientations are available at the Library webpage.
For easy access to Academic Success Services such as the Library, tutoring, and computer lab services, use this helpful flyer!
Project HOPE (Health Opportunities and Pipeline to Education) is a support program that focuses on increasing the number of underrepresented groups who complete healthcare-related or science-related certificates and/or degrees.
Its mission is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations
The Re-Entry Resource Program is here to assist and support adult students returning to school after a gap in their education.
Safe Zone Network is a group of community college members who are committed to addressing issues of importance and safety to the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer) community through education and advocacy
Students with limitations due to a disability may receive support services and instruction from SAS. Those students with mobility, visual, hearing, speech, psychological and other health impairments as well as learning and developmental disabilities are served.
The Office of Student Conduct & Grievances facilitates implementation of the Student Code of Conduct, Student Discipline Procedures, and Student Grievance procedures, through supporting students, faculty, staff, and managers in locating, interpreting, and applying these guidelines. The department also provides consultation to students and employees related to student behavior or academic honesty concerns, assists with conflict resolution involving students, and provides workshops and trainings in related topics.
Students can make appointments or attend drop-in online tutoring sessions with Success Center tutors.
Virtual transfer counseling appointments and workshops offered remotely
The Cerritos College Umoja Student Success Program is committed to enriching, fostering, and nurturing the educational experience of all students, especially African American and first-generation college students, ultimately preparing them for academic, personal, and professional success beyond Cerritos College.
For resources and support available to AB540/DACA/Undocu students,