When doing research, it is useful to know what these different publications are and what kind of information they contain.
• Journal articles are more scholarly or professional while magazine articles tend to be shorter and more general.
• Magazine articles appeal to the general reader and usually have relatively short articles are written in non-technical language are easy to understand
• Newspaper articles, while not usually scholarly or professional, can give you the most current news and some additional facts on your topic.
Articles in magazines and journals are focused on a narrower topic than an encyclopedia article. You may find a review of a television show or you may find an article describing a study about the use of language in television news broadcasts. Each database has thousands, if not millions, of articles, so your search can be very specific, but remember to search keywords (not a whole sentence) and connect your words with "and." You will need to do some experimenting to find the right words.
Use the following databases to find articles that are most relevant to your topic. See the Database Page for a complete description of the Cerritos College Library online resources.
Example: television and news and African Americans
HOW TO VIDEO: How to Search Academic Search Premier (applies to all databases from EBSCOhost)
HOW TO VIDEO: How to Search U.S. Major Dailies (applies to all databases from Proquest including Ethnic NewsWatch)