*Your word choice when you are searching can make a big difference in your results. Think of different terms you can use for your topic or even different spellings. Below are a few suggestions - there may be more terms to search.
*Note: it is a good practice to put two-word terms in quotation marks to keep the words together in your search and always put and between your keywords
Try one of these general terms: "Social movements" or "social change" or "social justice" or "public demonstrations"
Connect your term above to the area of performing arts:
Ex: "social change" and dance
Ex: theater and "public demonstrations"
If you have a lot of results, then you can get more specific by adding more keywords
Ex: "social change" and dance and "Black Lives Matter"
Or name a particular movement or song or person or play
Ex: "protest songs" and "civil rights movement"
Ex: "Isadora Duncan" and "social change"
Ex: "Pussy Riot" and "public demonstrations"
Ex: songs and protest and history
*Note: think of searching as experimenting. You won't get everything you need right away. Keep connecting different terms in different ways. Every time you change your terms, you will get a different list of results.