Agriculture: Paula Pereira
American History: Deb Moore
Animal Sciences: Monica Lopez
Anthropology: Monica Lopez
Archaeology: Sukena Taibjee
Automotive: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Business: Debra Moore
Computer Science: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Cosmetology: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Culinary Arts: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Economics: Debra Moore
Education: Monica Lopez
Ethics: Debra Moore
Ethnic/Multicultural Studies: Lynda Sampson
Fine Arts: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Folklore: Monica Lopez
Genealogy: Sukena Taibjee
General Works: Sukena Taibjee
Geography: Monica Lopez
Government: Monica Lopez
Health Sciences: Stephanie Rosenblatt
History, United States: Deb Moore
History, World: Bruce Guter
Human Anatomy: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Language: Paula Pereira
Law: Monica Lopez
Library Science: Paula Pereira
Literature: Paula Pereira
Mathematics: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Medicine: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Military History: Monica Lopez
Music: Bruce Russell
Natural History: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Philosophy: Debra Moore
Photography: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Physical Education: Monica Lopez
Political Science: Monica Lopez
Public Administration: Monica Lopez
Psychology: Karen Vogel
Recreation: Monica Lopez
Religion: Debra Moore
Romance Languages & Literature: Paula Pereira
Science: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Sociology: Debra Moore
Sports: Monica Lopez
Statistics: Debra Moore
Technology: Stephanie Rosenblatt
Library collection development is a joint responsibility of library faculty and classroom faculty. Classroom faculty may order materials by submitting a library material recommendation form. Classroom faculty are especially encouraged to work with library faculty on collection development in their area of expertise. Your recommendations are always welcome.
The Cerritos College librarians would like to familiarize you with the library’s collection development process at Cerritos College. The library’s primary objective is identical to that of our college: to provide high-quality, academically rigorous instruction in a comprehensive curriculum that respects the diversity represented in our student body and region. The college library is an educational service and the selection of its library materials is an educational function designed to implement and complement the curriculum.
The goal of the library’s collection development process is to meet the curricular and lifelong learning needs of our students. This goal is accomplished through professional and subject expertise of library faculty who work in conjunction with classroom faculty to continuously identify new titles for addition to our collection. Individual library faculty are assigned specific subject areas and are responsible for working with classroom faculty in those disciplines. Although the book budget has been reduced substantially over the past year, the library faculty encourage you to continue to submit your purchase recommendations. Unfortunately, due to recent budget cuts, not all recommended books can be purchased. We will do our best to make sure that the most essential titles are ordered and that our collection continues to grow in the direction that is best for our students.
You are encouraged to contact the librarian in your subject area and work with her to ensure that the library has a viable, academically sound collection in your discipline. Book recommendations can be sent via the online form or the paper form available in the library.
Collection Development Coordinator
Monica Lopez: or ext 2434
Collection Development Librarians
Bruce Guter: or ext 2425
Debra Moore: or ext 2418
Paula Pereira: or ext 2415
Stephanie Rosenblatt - or ext 2416
Bruce Russell: or ext 2425
Lynda Sampson: or ext 2425
Sukena Taibjee: or ext 2425
Karen Vogel: or ext 2425