(1/2023) NEW POLICY: Print textbooks on reserve are now available for four-hour loan periods.
They are no longer loaned out for eight days.
Online textbooks that we have digitized are available for two-hour loans.
Faculty may have library materials, as well as items from their personal collections, textbooks, study guides, test reviews, quizzes, computer disks, photocopied sections from books, etc. placed on reserve for students’ use.
General Reserve Information
- When placing material on reserve, please submit in plenty of time, as there is a 3-day processing period
- A completed Reserve Request Form must accompany all material to be placed on reserve
- OER textbooks can also be listed in the reserves system. Please provide a link to the resource on the Reserve Request Form.
Material is made available for students for a limited checkout period (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 8 days)
- All photocopied material should be ready for processing (stapled and in folders)
- When placing a personal book on reserve, please make sure the material is in good condition (no loose pages or loose spine, torn pages, mold, etc.) as these books are heavily used.
- Please be aware that the library processing consists of cataloging, barcoding and stamping of your material.
- This service is offered by the Library at no charge
- Call Ext. 2423 or visit the circulation desk with questions
Fines on Reserve Material
- Hourly reserve materials are fined $1.00 per hour
- Daily reserve materials are fined $5.00 per day
- Fines for reserve materials accrue even when the library is closed
- If reserve materials are lost, the total cost of the materials and overdue fines will be charged
- Please inform your students that their current school photo ID is required for checkout of all materials