To type a paper, you can use the library reference computers or the library lab computers. All computers in the library and lab have word processing or other productivity software installed. There are no typewriters in the library.
If it is very busy and other students are waiting to use a computer, you may be asked to log off. Particularly if you are playing video games or using social networking sites. Computers in the library and lab are primarily for research and or educational purposes.
To login to a computer in the Library or the Lab:
- You will need to login with your Student ID and password (birth date). See one of the hourly workers for assistance.
- You must be enrolled in at least one unit at Cerritos College to be able to login to the computers. Remember: In order to use any of the computers, you must be CURRENTLY enrolled.
What Work Can I Do On the Library Computers?
- The computer workstations in the library and lab are for educational and research purposes. You can conduct research using the online catalog, online databases, and the Internet. The Office Suite is available but extended work with productivity software should be done in the Lab, especially if the reference area is busy. Librarians may ask you to move to the lab if computers are needed for research.
- The Lab computers offer access to the Internet, including all library resources, E-mail, Office Suite, and instructional software contributed by instructors from various departments.
Go to the Library Computer page for more information.