GALE Interface Tutorials for the following GALE databases: Gale Virtual Reference Library | Opposing Viewpoints in Context | Artemis Literary Sources |
EBSCOhost tutorial videos and PowerPoint files regarding the EBSCOhost interface: Basic Search, Advance Search, Results and Citation are the topics presented.
PROQUEST Interface Tutorials for the following PROQUEST databases: ebrary ebooks | Ethnic Newswatch | Gender Watch | National Newspapers Core | Business Dateline
Suggested Basic Research WorkFlow Process:
Development of Keywords:
Sample topic: Does the death penalty unfairly target minorities?
Concept 1: death penalty Alternative Terms: capital punishment, execution
Concept 2: unfairly targeting minorities Alternative Terms1: discrimination, racism, prejudice Alternative Terms2: African-American, Hispanic, ethnic groups
Afterwards, with a better understanding of your research process, your ability and knowledge of library databases will improve. Research is a process that requires a constant review and adjustment of your research strategy.