Before you get started on your research, it's a great idea to brainstorm a list of keywords for all the key concepts in your research question. The process will require cyclic revision along the research process as needed. This process of Keyword Development will require you to research background information first before you search for more advance concepts with alternative terms.
Development of Keywords:
- Define your topic - You can't research or write about a topic if you can't articulate what it is.
- Try writing your topic down as a sentence or a question
- Think of keywords to describe each concept involved in your topic
- Focus on synonyms and related terms. What are other ways to state your topic? Is there a specific word that will describe an abstract concept in your topic?
Sample topic: Does the death penalty unfairly target minorities?
Concept 1: death penalty Alternative Terms: capital punishment, execution
Concept 2: unfairly targeting minorities Alternative Terms1: discrimination, racism, prejudice Alternative Terms2: African-American, Hispanic, ethnic groups
Afterwards, with a better understanding of your research process, your ability and knowledge of library databases will improve. Research is a process that requires a constant review and adjustment of your research strategy.