FREE 4-week (32 hours each) professional development courses about ZTC and OER. When you finish you earn a badge and can optionally pay a fee for graduate-level university credit.
Self-paced course that is an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER), providing faculty with new options for selecting resources.
Another self-paced course about accessibility, finding accessible digital resources and making your materials more accessible.
This video gives you a short introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER), examines the ways they can be used in courses, and encourages instructors to use them with the support of the library.
Source: Open Educational Resources by Myroslava Zhuk, University of Groningen.
Curious about the shift to OER? Why OER, why now? The video below can help to answer some of those questions.
Some Open Access titles are available in the library catalog.
Search for your subject. When the results appear, find "Sort by" on the left sidebar.
Under "Availability", check the "Open Access" box.
If you only want peer reviewed open resources, make sure to check the "Peer Reviewed Journals" option above the "Open Access" option.